Yixiang Gao

profile image

I am a Ph.D candidate from University of Missouri - Columbia under the supervision of Dr. Gui DeSouza at ViGIR (Vision-Guided and Intelligent Robotics Laboratory). My Ph.D career was funded by two NIH granst (R015 and R01) which gave me opportunities to collaborate with speech and language pathologists to apply state-of-the-art machine learning techniques into the voice pathology domain. My research have been published in engineering conferences (EMBC, CEC) and clinical/medical conferences (AQL, ICVPB) and scientific journals (Applied Sciences).

Bios (CV)

2017 - Current


Ph.D. Candidate Electrical and Computer Engineering

Vision-Guided and Intelligent Robotics Labotory

University of Missouri - Columbia

Supervisor: Dr. Gui N. DeSouza

Research: AI, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Robotics, Voice Pathology

Thesis: Confounded Predictions in Machine Learning - Detect, quantify and mitigate confounding bias in machine learning applications.

2014 - 2017


B.S. Computer Engineering & B.S. Electrical Engineering

University of Missouri - Columbia

Publications (Google Scholar)